In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent His only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him." 1 John 4:9
God's ultimate demonstration of love for His people came in the action of sending His Son Jesus to earth to die for the sins of many. There is not a more loving manifestation of His love for us. And why did He do it? God wanted a relationship with us. God wants to live His life continually through the lives of those He has created, and He wants those He has created to also have life. The truth is pretty simple: We get to live because Jesus does. Thank Him today that He sent His Son and now allows Jesus to live His life through you. In what areas of your life is the life of Christ in and through you currently being hindered?
Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8
What does it mean to know God? Knowledge of God isn't merely academic. Knowledge in this verse, in fact, means intimate, experiential knowledge -- not even one of mere acquaintanceship. This kind of knowledge can only be attained when you spend time with someone, and, in fact, the apostle John states here that knowing God looks like loving others. Think about it: the evidence of your knowledge for God lies not in what you say, but in one particular action you exhibit: your love for others. Set this template over your life right now. Do you love others? The answer will reveal to you both your true knowledge of God and your need to spend time with Him to intimately know Him. How can you love those around you today? ...abide in My love." John 15:9
Discipleship is often viewed in terms of what a person does or knows. Going on a mission trip, serving in a local church, quoting long passages of Scripture, or teaching a small group lesson are some of things that people can often associate with being a disciple of Jesus Christ. Christian discipleship, however, is fundamentally about a relationship with Jesus. Everything that Jesus desires to do through you, He'll accomplish out of the overflow of your abiding love relationship with Him. Have you been trying to do things for Jesus, or are you letting Him live His life in and through you? For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all." Romans 10:12
God created human beings in the image of Himself. There may be differences of culture, race, language, and so on, but all humans are the same when it comes to one thing: all commit sin. Because this is true, all humans need the mercy of God. God's love and forgiveness, thankfully, know no boundaries. Jesus died on the cross, as a result of which forgiveness stands available for all...for anyone who repents of sin and places trust in Him. This "news" is good, because it means the ground is level at the foot of the cross, and that all are welcome. Thank God for this truth today. How does this reality change the way you see people from different cultures? Everyone who is called by My name, and whom I have created for My glory, Whom I have formed, even whom I have made." Isaiah 43:7
Before a skyscraper ever extends into the sky, it remains as a concept in the mind of an architect. Throughout the design process, the architect plans with purpose and intentionality, beginning with the end in mind. He sees what the structure will be in the future once it has been built, even though no one else around him can. Similarly, God has designed your life and made you for a distinct purpose in His mission. As a part of that mission, He has given each of us, as Jesus followers, a platform with which to engage the world around us. That platform consists of our job, our skills, and our passions. The ultimate result is that He receives all the glory. What are your skills and passions? How do you think God wants to use your job, skills, and passions to expand His Kingdom and glorify Him? |
June 2018